Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Want Your Input!!!

Ok, so clearly I am in the process of building my travel blog, and I am looking for input. I literally want you to take your hands and put on your creative thinking caps...like seriously...go on, take your hands, both of them, pick up that imaginary psychedelic plastic helmet with the helicopter spinner on top, place it on your head, and close your eyes...WAIT!...let me tell you want I need first, then close your eyes.


1. What travel topics/ideas do you love to read about because they make you "escape"? They give you those butterflies in your stomach feeling and make you wish you could pack your bags and GO!

2. If you were going to travel, where would you go? (And be specific, even if no one else has ever really heard of it)

3. And then after all that creative thinking...dump your thoughts into a message and email all that to me at: melissa.r.lewis@gmail.com


Friday, March 12, 2010


I guess I should have an annual blog post, you know that is highly anticipated around the same time every year, NOW.

Well, many of you are aware that I was married in 2006, began teaching in 2007, and if you were in my immediate life, you were also aware of how much I go-go-go-go-go. I love to explore, learn, read, create, and pursue dreams. My mind only functions under the "Why not?" mode, and I have a difficult time understanding minds that do not function that way, however I do appreciate them. It has been a huge dream of mine to travel and see the world. Two problems, I fear flying and it requires money...hmmm. However, life is interesting how it works itself out sometimes. I am over my fears of flying (for the most part) and my teaching experience has put me, the non-education major in college, in the perfect situation to travel.

After a few years of scrounging for a way to make my dreams happen, being frustrated even angry at life for having placed such a desire in my belly and then never giving me the opportunity to bring it to fruition, I finally decided to set them aside. I set them aside throughout college, no semesters abroad, no stories to share, no pictures of my excursions at 18. All of my peers were experiencing the full immersion in a Spanish speaking country, and I sat back giving my best non-jealous attitude from the depth of my being because I knew one day I would get to spend more than a semester. I just knew it. I didn't have a clue how or when, but I just knew that my passion was so fierce that one day I would see it all, experience it all, and have a fulfilled life free from regrets.

I set those desires aside my Junior year in college (2004-2005), and as of three weeks ago, I let my employer know that I would not be returning for the 2010-2011 school year to teach, instead I am going to pursue those crazy dreams of mine that many do not understand, maybe never will, but all appreciate.

Many changes have occurred in my life in the past six months that have dug me up from a grave of shame, saved me from drowning in an ocean of complacency, and singled me out in a crowd of culturally conditioned look alikes who do what they do in order to NOT be noticed, and finally I am free to be me.

One of my favorite quotes is by Mark Twain that says "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." This truly captures so many facets of Melissa Renee' Lewis.

My personality is relentless. I ask Why? until I understand the reasoning or logic; I can make myself do something I don't want to do based on mere principle and vice versa; I believe anything you want to do is possible...why not?; and I also believe that I was created, as well as everyone in this world, for something unique. I refuse to conform in order to please or satisfy a vision/opinion that others believe is best for me, because truthfully, I am the only one who knows my deepest desires. I am also the only one who can live my life and I will be the only one there when my life is over to be satisfied or unsatisfied. I think with the most obscure part of my brain most of the time, and know that most would perceive me to be outlandish in my opinions. I am spontaneous, random, creative, inquisitive, resourceful, curious, observant, aware, contemplative, sassy, blunt (no way huh?!), sarcastic, and full of ideas (good and bad of course, but nonetheless).

Having said all of this, I also am very passionate about following dreams. We have one life to live, make it rock! (Miley Cyrus) I speak at an annual youth conference for high school sophomores, and I speak on this very thing, I have for years, and that is we all get a life full of moments, and we only get a moment for that moment, once it is gone, it is gone...make them count.

I teach, it is what I do, it is what I absolutely LOVE to do, would I call it a "calling", not necessarily. Some people have it, some people learn to have it, some people train themselves to be good at it, regardless of how one becomes a teacher, point is, I am a teacher. As with anything I do,
I have poured myself into it. I have learned how to learn. I have learned how to teach, but I am not satisfied.

I currently have "bowlines" and am on the "safe harbor", but a "trade wind" is beginning to blow, and my sails are ready. Beginning in June, I will take 6 weeks to become certified to teach English as a second language. There are many organizations out there that I can go through, but essentially I will be placed for 3 months - 1 year (the duration of time is purely my choice) in any country I choose, and I will teach English. I am using this passion of teaching as the vehicle to travel and see the world. These organizations will provide me with full accommodations (living, travel, etc) as well as a salary.

I am not sure how long I will be out doing my thing, but I think it is safe to say I have no intentions of putting down roots anytime soon. Many of you are probably reading all of this and wondering where in the world is Mike fitting into the big picture!! Well, fortunately, he is also a passionate person with dreams of his own and he has decided to pursue them just about as passionately as I have decided to pursue mine. There is a saying "standing in a garage doesn't make you a car" and that sort of explains how we were married for 3 years (2006-2009), and we stood in that dang garage forever, and we even had the garage door open. We saw where we wanted to go, a road map of how to make it all happen, but we had no driving force. He and I support each others desires enough to know that if we were going to see any of our life happen happily that we were going to have to do it without each other. So in November of 2009, we decided it would be best for us to go our separate ways. He is pursuing a music career with a life long friend in a band called "Red Flannel Pride". You can find them online and I believe on I-tunes if you are interested in following him. As for myself, I desire to experience culture. I want to write a book, actually a few books, and I will start small by creating a travel blog. I hope you all follow me on my journey and experience the world through my pictures and descriptions. I appreciate all advice and suggestions as well.

I will "let the world change me so that (maybe) I can change the world." - Ghandi