Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Want Your Input!!!

Ok, so clearly I am in the process of building my travel blog, and I am looking for input. I literally want you to take your hands and put on your creative thinking caps...like seriously...go on, take your hands, both of them, pick up that imaginary psychedelic plastic helmet with the helicopter spinner on top, place it on your head, and close your eyes...WAIT!...let me tell you want I need first, then close your eyes.


1. What travel topics/ideas do you love to read about because they make you "escape"? They give you those butterflies in your stomach feeling and make you wish you could pack your bags and GO!

2. If you were going to travel, where would you go? (And be specific, even if no one else has ever really heard of it)

3. And then after all that creative thinking...dump your thoughts into a message and email all that to me at: melissa.r.lewis@gmail.com


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